John Korpics (that's me and my friend Sean) is a creative professional with more than 25 years of experience in design leadership. I am a creative thinker, as happy managing and mentoring teams as I am doing the work myself. I enjoy solving problems and puzzles, work best under difficult circumstances, and I take pride in doing more with less. I love using my experience and abilities to tell stories, create unexpected results, and reveal opportunities.
I have won awards for my work at places like ESPN, Fortune, and Esquire, and if you would like to see them they are in a box in my mother's basement in Media, Pennsylvania. Please call ahead.
If you would like to hear more about John (me), send me (John) an email.
... contact John at
... view his LinkedIn profile here.
... download his resume here.
Thank you!
John Korpics can wear a suit and tie, but he doesn't have to.